Lands, Housing, Physical Planning & Urban Development

Loosenge E. David  – CEC

Lekadaa Mike – CO Lands & Physical Planning

Regina Mwatha – CO Housing & Urban Development 

Excellence in Land Management for Sustainable Development for the benefit of the community

To facilitate improvement of livelihood of county residents through efficient administration, equitable access, secure tenure and sustainable management of the land resource so as to keep pace with economic and market trend in a local and regional context

Performance Overview and Background for Programme(s) Funding
In 2016/2017 – 2017/2018 Financial Years the department engaged in implementation of several programmes key among them and which are currently ongoing include the development of the Samburu County Spatial Plan and implementation of Cadastral Survey for Maralal Town; development of Integrated Urban Development Plans for Wamba and Archer’s Post which are complete and ready for the next stage as well as for Kisima, Suguta Marmar and Baragoi Towns which are currently ongoing; Regularization of plot ownership for various towns across the County which is also ongoing. The department has also ensured effective management of Group Ranches by facilitating various Group Ranch AGMs and dispute resolution programmes. It’s also involved in formalization of Milimani Settlement Scheme which is at the Physical Planning stage. All these activities are in line with the departments strategic objective of ensuring the registration of all parcels in Samburu County to enable land owners acquire Title Deeds for their plots to improve their livelihood.
The department therefore intends to continue with similar programmes in the 2017/18 and 2018/2019 Financial Years and in so doing is targeting other parts of the County which hitherto, have previously not been touched and the details of which are indicated in Part E of this report. The programmes are meant to expand our areas of coverage with the aim of ensuring that much of our land is ready for registration. This informs the basis of our request for further funding in the 2018/2019 FY to facilitate the implementation of the listed programmes.