Agriculture, Livestock Development, Veterinary Services & Fisheries

Patrick Lekimain – CEC

Lenakula David – CO Crop Production

 Lerno  David – CO Livestock Production & Animal Health

Lerantilei Charles – CO Agriculture Livestock Veterinary Services & Fisheries

To be a food-secure and prosperous county
To improve the livelihood of Samburu County residents by promoting competitive crop and livestock
farming as a business through an enabling environment, effective support services and sustainable natural resource management.

Performance Overview and Background for Programme(s) Funding
The County Agriculture Sector comprises of three sub-sectors namely: Agriculture; Livestock; and Fisheries. The sector has one (1) livestock improvement centre and one (1) agricultural machinery services unit. The sector is also a key player towards the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The objectives of the sector are to: Enhance livestock and agricultural productivity and output; Enhance market access for livestock and agricultural products; increase investment for value addition in livestock sector; Create enabling environment for livestock and agricultural development; and enhance accessibility of affordable inputs and credit to both livestock and crop farmers.
The key achievements realized during the period were: availing of subsidized fertilizer to farmers; provision of certified seeds to farmers; availing of superior camel breeds and control of animal diseases.
Despite the above achievements, the sector was faced with the challenges of inadequate funding and delays in disbursement of exchequer; poor performance of markets and infrastructure; limited access to financial services; slow enactment of bills; crop and livestock diseases, impacts of climate change, range degradation, limited value addition, high production costs, and inadequate strategies for implementation of
policies and enforcement of legislation.
During the 2018/19- 2020/21 Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) period, the sector will implement various programmes.
The key expected outputs for the 2018/19-2020/21 MTEF period are – equipment of the county vet laboratory, equipment and operationalization of the Maralal Abattoir, completion of Arsim and Lulu irrigation schemes as well as timely provision of certified seeds.
Effective implementation of the sector programmes will depend on timely release of allocated funds to all spending units. Partnership with development partners and collaboration with stakeholders will be embraced to enhance ownership and the pace of implementation. Monitoring and evaluation will also be strengthened to ensure that allocated funds are applied for the intended purposes and are used efficiently.